Nos complace anunciar la convocatoria de resúmenes del XX Foro Internacional 'Le Vie dei Mercanti', 'PATRIMONIO MUNDIAL y TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA que se celebrará en Nápoles y Capri (Italia) del 16 al 18 de junio de 2022. Invitamos a la presentación de resúmenes para consideración (revisión por pares doble ciego) para presentación oral o artículo que se publicará en las actas, de relevancia internacional (Gangemi Editor International Publishing). La fecha límite para el envío de resúmenes es el 24 de enero de 2022.
We are pleased to announce the call for abstract of the XX International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’, ‘WORLD HERITAGE and ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION to be held in Naples and Capri (Italy) from 16 to 18 June 2022: www.leviedeimercanti.it
We invite the submission of abstracts for consideration (double blind peer review) for oral presentation or paper to be published in the proceedings, of international relevance (Gangemi Editor International Publishing).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 24 January 2022.
By Carmine Gambardella:
In 2022 the Capri International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ will reach its 20th edition.
A Story of love for the Earth and its Inhabitants, Landscapes, Architecture, Cultural and Archaeological Heritage told by over 7000 Scholars and Academics from all over the World in an interdisciplinary way, by integrating skills, experiences, good practices in order to train talented people who care about the destiny of our Planet.
If the Future is an Eternal Present, the renewal of the Forum in these twenty years has produced a wealth of knowledge to guide those who govern and administer the Public Good, and citizens in their daily activities. A future that must be prepared in this era, that cannot ignore the ongoing climate change and that should not catch future generations unprepared.
A Present that transmits to the future the values that Humanity has passed on to us and that must be protected and transmitted as regenerative sources of Humanity itself.
Not coincidentally, the First International Forum assigned the topic ‘From Luca Pacioli to the Ecogeometry of the Territory’ to the participants.
An invitation to submit scientific contributions and good practices based on double-entry, legitimized by the measurement of tangible and intangible assets, in order to integrate knowledge and state it like entries in an income statement.
Therefore, if Luca Pacioli, tutor of the Rompiasi Venetian merchants family, suggested the method to legitimize the results of the activities undertaken, that is, through the measurement he indicated the survey activity as managing a heritage, which as such must not only be geometrically definable but must be also discretized into batches, noted in its multidimensionality, in order to produce a result whose added value can always be quantified and is given by the difference between the value of the asset, as we have received it, and the value reached for the activity of knowledge and management of the potentialities which are identified and stated as in an income statement; Eco-geometry, intended as a technological echo of reality, feasible through the use of digital and artificial intelligence to create forecasting scenarios, a model in which it is possible to measure all the components and relationships between the parts and to restore the matter, no longer as an instrumental covering to be described only in the geometric matrices generating the forms.
Once again Leonardo point us the way, conceptually anticipating the transition from analogue to digital and to the management of big data: “io vò pigliare quella licenza ch’è comune ai matematici, cioè siccome loro, dividono il tempo a gradi e di quantità continua la fanno disscontinua, ancora io farò il simile, dando col miglio o renella nella comparazione all’acqua” (Codice Atlantico, f. 126, t.a.).
Through the topic of the next XX Forum World Heritage and Ecological Transition, I want to provide some interesting food for thought, to identify a lived place, a life environment, as an integral of forms of organization of the elements that surround us, examined through the prism of a civilization; we will deal with an innovative project of measurement and representation of the natural and built environment that is no longer an expression of the relationships between society and the natural environment but a construction of the relationships between the future as an eternal present and the legacy of the past as an economic value.
A vital commitment that binds people to the environment; an educational revolution that match skills to the new way of managing what is learned and measured; the ecological transition with the use of technological innovation shall have the aim of entering the body of the territory, of the buildings and of the objects, it analyzes all its components through a multi-criteria analysis in order to establish a rating which in itinere defines the added of the results.
Just as the rulers and merchants in the mid-15th century, on the margins of international trade, in an economy contracted for mercantile life, combined research and training in new paths, taking refuge in agricultural operations, in favour of the reclamation of uncultivated lands in relation to the search for energy and its distribution and established the reasons of the earth compared to those of the sea in a perspective of systemic response.